Saturday, June 7, 2008


here are just some of the many misheard in medical trascription that my friends and i compiled from work. i can't remember the others but i'll try to post them here when i do. these are in random order:

1. the patient needs psychic consultation secondary to her orthopedic injuries. (psychiatric)

2. breast augmentation procedure... the incision was made along the premature of the breast. (perimeter)

3. FAMILY HISTORY: The patient is married and has one chow. (child)

4. ALLERGIES: BATHROOM, causes hives. (Bactrim)

5. DIAGNOSIS: Irritable vowel syndrome. (bowel)

6. The patient was brought to the qualified Multispecialty Surgery Center. (Westside)

7. Worker's Compensation Appeals Board
close friends. (close parenthesis)

8. Active range of motion is measured by Compass Goniometer
foot prints. (put parenthesis)

9. The patient has undergone cabbage. (CABG - Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)

10. DIAGNOSES: Cervical degenerative disc disease and lumbar spiral stenosis. (spinal)

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